Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Organisation of Events
  • a weekly seminar is organized: http://www.di.ens.fr/CryptoSeminaire.html

  • monthly working group on lattices, joint with ENS Lyin

  • Organization of the Summer School on Mathematical and Practical Aspects of Fully Homomorphic Encryption and Multi-Linear Maps at IHP, Paris, in October 2015 (supported by CryptoAction, SAFEcrypto, CryptoCloud, and aSCEND)

Steering Committees of International Conferences
  • steering committee of CANS: David Pointcheval

  • steering committee of PKC: David Pointcheval, David Naccache

  • steering committee of FDTC: David Naccache (chair)

  • steering committee of PROOFS: David Naccache

  • steering committee of LATINCRYPT: Michel Abdalla (chair)

  • steering committee of PAIRING: Michel Abdalla

Other Steering Committees
  • steering committee of the Coding and Cryptography working group (GT-C2 - https://crypto.di.ens.fr/c2:main ) of the Groupe de Recherche Informatique Mathématique (GDR-IM): Damien Vergnaud serves on the committee and has even been elected as the Head of this steering committee

Board of International Organisations
  • Board of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR): Michel Abdalla (2013 – 2018), David Pointcheval (2008–2016)

Scientific Events Selection

Program Committee Member
  • PKC 2015 – March 30 - April 1 (Maryland, USA): Michel Abdalla

  • CT-RSA – 20-25 April (San Francisco, California, USA): David Pointcheval

  • Eurocrypt – 26-30 April (Sofia, Bulgaria): David Pointcheval

  • ACNS – 2-5 June (New-York, USA): David Pointcheval

  • CRYPTO – 16-20 Aug (Santa Barbara, California, USA): Michel Abdalla

  • LATINCRYPT – 23-26 Aug (Guadalajara, Mexico): Michel Abdalla

  • IWSEC – 26-28 Aug (Nara, Japan): Damien Vergnaud

  • FOCS – 18-20 Oct (Berkeley, California, USA): Hoeteck Wee

  • ProvSec – 24-26 Nov (Kanazawa, Japan): Michel Abdalla, Damien Vergnaud

Funding Panel and Committee Member
  • ANR – Scientific Evaluation Panel « Global Security and Cybersecurity »: Damien Vergnaud

Editorial Boards of Journals

  • of the International Journal of Applied Cryptography (IJACT) – Inderscience Publishers: David Pointcheval

Associate Editor
  • of Security and Communication Networks: David Naccache (editor)

  • of Journal of Cryptographic Engineering: David Naccache (editor)

  • of Computers & Security – Elsevier: David Naccache

  • of IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security: Michel Abdalla

  • of IET Information Security: Michel Abdalla

  • of ETRI Journal: Michel Abdalla